วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552
Tuesday 23,September 09
This is my first time for me to work Corporate Team Building!! it was very incredible day for my life. I got up early morning dressing up blue polo cmrca T-Shirt get ready for the huge fun day i was so excited to work with them.I'm always super nervous i can do that or not.but this is the challenging day for challenged my self! I saw two professional leader group Josh and Justin were very awesome!! everything they did it very flow.to many thing I've got from these day is teamwork,communications,and trust but one thing i can't for get no one can't do everything successful by selves. the successfully come with " The Teamwork"
Growth up!! Day
Thank you
The Standard Charter Bank
วันอังคารที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552
tuesday 01,september o9
I woke up so early get my selve ready for working. it's gonna be my great day because of I'll start working full-time since today!!!! we arrived at the Cryzy Horse Buttress about 7 o'clock morning went up to the ansity states crisis cave setting up the tyrolean accross got back down to carparking in hour an half later!!! and today im being an instroctor for chickens group again!! I'm so excited to do that!! every time and that means i will know how can i be better in next time by you do something new for your life that you never done.I was so happy every time when i worked with the ISV group they all as same my ages very easy to make a strong relationship with on the group,so thank you for the CMRCA family for helping me and make me grow up!!!!
I woke up so early get my selve ready for working. it's gonna be my great day because of I'll start working full-time since today!!!! we arrived at the Cryzy Horse Buttress about 7 o'clock morning went up to the ansity states crisis cave setting up the tyrolean accross got back down to carparking in hour an half later!!! and today im being an instroctor for chickens group again!! I'm so excited to do that!! every time and that means i will know how can i be better in next time by you do something new for your life that you never done.I was so happy every time when i worked with the ISV group they all as same my ages very easy to make a strong relationship with on the group,so thank you for the CMRCA family for helping me and make me grow up!!!!
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