Name: Suradet(Ooan) Kongsingh
Date of birth: 11 April 1987
Nickname: Rockstar
I'm currently working as a rock climbing guide and facilitator at Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventures. I started climbing in 2007 and I didn't know anything about the sport beforehand. Climbing has changed my life. It has given me opportunities to travel and meet up with nice people from around the world. My goal for climbing is to become a professional rock climbing guide. I have received AMAG Single Pitch Instructor and WAFA certification. I think that my experiences as a climber and guide have given me an opportunity to share my passion for the outdoors. Climbing also has changed my life in a positive way. While guiding I have been able to share my passion and commitment and challenging myself. Every time I take someone for their first time I am able to help them challenge themselves in way that they never thought possible. As rock climbing guide we often find ourselves acting as emphasis for the sport, since we are usually the first person someone goes to when they want to try climbing. So our goal as guide is not only teach the skills necessary to climb but also to inspire them to continue to push their limits to help the outdoor community with conservation. I feel that as a climber and guide I have been able to have a positive impact on the international climbing community and wishes to share with the outdoor enthusiasts. Thank you for reading!!!!!!