วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Living in the Moments

January 23. 2011
Someone asked me if I had the opportunity to travel around the world where would I go and I said "i would go to places where I could “beast” the rock." The Rock and me are such a good friends. In Chiang Mai it has been cold at the moment and the weather is so nice, cloudy and windy, all the trees blowing around, it looks like they are dancing. The days have been so beautiful, especially at the crag.

Being only indoor

5.10b Ruam Jai @ Heart wall Photo Josh Morris
My life has been busy with work. Sometimes t is hard to find the balance with my professional life and my personal life. Life is hard sometimes. Unfortunately I haven't climbed outside as much as I would like to. Most of the time I climb indoors at the small bouldering wall in CMRCA´s backyard. My friend Andrew Goldsmith. gave me a great book called MAXIMUM CLIMBING , by Eric J Hörst. It's all about how professional climbers train. There were so many difference thoughts that come to mind while I was reading this book. When my life has been so crazy with work, to the point that it annoys me sometimes, I have to try to stay motivated and keep focusing on the things I need in my life. Since i started training again recently. I dedicated my time after work for training 6 days a week to get stronger and prepare myself for my next project on the rock!

Maximum Climbing books
Love what you do and Do what you love is the most important thing that we could do. But it takes some time to find out what that is for you. I'd like to encourage all people that still finding their goals for life and even myself to just stay on course and think positive.


วันอังคารที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

It's INspirational

January 11, 2011
After an awesome week following the new year celebrations, haven't focused on climbing as much as I would like. I have been running a lot and it has given me time to think about climbing in 2011. I need to figure out and find the way to achieve the big project 5.13c/8a+( climbing level) for 2011...its on now!

JStr is my Inspiration

My psyched present from Pi Sai
When i was younger, I had a lot of dreams about what I wanted to be when I grew up. I thought a lot about being a police man like my dad, because he's my inspiration. But, as I've grown up, I've found a different path for my life. Since I started rock climbing in 2007, my life has completely changed. I kept finding myself back at CMRCA small climbing wall and Crazy Horse Buttress and I realised that this was the kind of life I wanted for myself.

I've been very lucky in having so many great opportunities with CMRCA. In this family I met lots of nice people and am part of a community that makes my heart feel so warm. I love to stay around them. I put in solid effort climbing last year and it paid off with great results. I jumped on the rock and wrapped up some projects. I had some of the most amazing times of my life. I am constantly planning my goals to break some more rocks in this year and super STOKED to be on the rock again.

For me, climbing isn't just about how strong I am, or how hard I can climb, the most important thing is that I have fun with good friend. I love being part of the community and living for the moment. Being part of the CMRCA family motivates me in so many ways. I'm planning training for 2011 and also a climbing adventure trip for later in the year.

See you all at the crag and I hopefully we can find the way to achieve our goals.

Happy new year everyone and thank you for a nice present
