วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

The CMRCA Life

22 February, 201o
In 2005 I came to Chaing Mai and I did not know what I was going to study or what I would do, but eventually I found it: journalism at Rajabhat Chiang Mai University.I love writing, and I wanted to make a career out of it. My hope, at that time, was to become a sports writer for a major newspaper or magazine, and to have my own column. That was a time in my life when I had to make many decisions, as if I was stopped at an intersection trying to decide which way to go. In the end, journalism was not for me, but nothing else seemed to fit either. I didn’t know which direction to choose.

In 2007 After three years of University and the college life, I was thinking about what my life was like and realized I wanted something more. I wanted to create something new in my life, something I had never done before. Around the same time my brother Add aka The Rabbit,, asked me to go climbing with him at the bouldering wall. The first time he asked me I said no, because honestly I didn’t know what he was talking about or what climbing was all about. But one day I decided to take him up on his offer and figure out what he was talking about. He invited me to go with him to theThe Crazy Horse Buttress.to climb on the beautiful limestone rock. When I got there I felt like a child. I looked at all the professional climbers on the rock, and they looked like monkeys, it was so cool to watch. But when I tried to climb it was so awful, I couldn’t even make it to the top of the easiest route. After I got back from the crag, I was so tired but I felt a connection with climbing and wanted to stick with it. I felt like this could be the new thing in my life, I felt like I found what I was looking for.
Soon after that day I got a part-time job at CMRCA and would work there after class. Going to work was not a problem and I was always excited to go. I was so happy being outside, learning so many new things about climbing, other cultures and languages and the environment. This was a huge change in my life. I was working to become and assistant instructor and was also able to travel south to Krabi for a climbing competition. It was an awesome experience to be able to go outside of Chiang Mai and getting to know the Thailand climbing world.

Nowit is 2010 and I am a full-time climbing instructor for CMRCA and every day I continue to learn new things. I am thankful for the way I came to be a climber because it allows me to understand my clients who are just beginning to climb as well. When someone struggles with an easy route it reminds me of my first time climbing and I get excited for them, I never run out of patience or encouragement for them. Each day when I wake up I, I think about what I want to create and look forward to the new things I will learn. Now I realize that my passion for writing has not gone away, climbing has given me something to write about and this blog is my way of staying connected to both of my passions.
Thank you CMRCA Family for giving me good opportunities and helping me meeting my goals, and I am excited about what we will to together in the future.

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