It has been so hot and very sticky during the last two months in CM-TOwn the temperature has been high, 40 degree that is so HOT! Also we had the Thai new year SONG KRAN FESTIVAL 2010 it was so amazing and fun to see the EPIC Thai culture, everyone had a fantastic time together. Also Song Kran day in Thailand is family day , some people were working in different places and come back home to visit their FAM!
In the last two months I went on a road trip to the competition in Bangkok and a rad journey to the underworld at Doi Angkang. Doi Angkang has a huge cave system and we tried to find the exit to the neighboring country, BURma. It was so bad ass and such a great experience, not to many people could get such a cool opportunity like CMRCA has given to me... so Rad!
RStar on the 1st route of TC 2010
Rad! Underworld Journey Trip
Rad! Underworld Journey Trip
I felt super STOKED to do some more bolting at the Crazy Horse Buttress , it took me a while to realize why I had to learn how to bolt and why I had to learn the hard way, but in the end it was the best way. If I didn't work for CMRCA, I would probably choose the easier way for my self and it wouldn’t be such a challenge for me. But i work with the SUPER rad company that makes my life so exciting everyday!
There are so many areas at Crazy Horse to developed and other areas to sustain for it to become one of the nicest climbing places in Thailand and SE Asia...Bolting has begun!
As soon! the rain will come to Thailand and the trees will change color again and it won't be hot anymore yeah!!!!! I'm so excited for the rain!!! I hope everyone can find something that they love to do even if it will take for a long time... don't give up!!!
There are so many areas at Crazy Horse to developed and other areas to sustain for it to become one of the nicest climbing places in Thailand and SE Asia...Bolting has begun!
As soon! the rain will come to Thailand and the trees will change color again and it won't be hot anymore yeah!!!!! I'm so excited for the rain!!! I hope everyone can find something that they love to do even if it will take for a long time... don't give up!!!