..Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventure was established in 2002 by Mr. Joshua Morris, a young American, who had a lot of confidence and followed his dream to find something exceptional in life. He came to Chiang Mai for the first time in 1999 with PIA program.. ( Princeton in Asia).. after he graduated. He got a job teaching English at Payap University, but English teacher it wasn't not the dream that he was following...In 2000 he has been working with THE PEAK ADVENTURE! for manager of the climbing wall at the night bazaar for a couple of years and he met a young beautiful Thai girl P'Kat ( his wife ) but eventually he and khun Pichai the owner had a different vision of rock climbing, in addition to this, he also started bolting at Crazy Horse with his mate Francis Haden. They made many new routes. Josh went back to America for vocation with P'Kat, he was thinking so much about the future and what he wanted to do after he left the PEAK. During their vacation, they were thinking about opening their own business and in order to continue reaching their goals.
..I've been rock climbing for 3 year since i finished school, and rock climbing has changed my life a lot. I have met so many friends from all over the world, I started to learn English and I started to realize what my own goals are… Dude! I am so lucky that I work with them, there are not too many companies that empower their employees the way that CMRCA does..
In 2010 CMRCA has now been established for 7 years, and the company has grown up a lot. We continue to rock climb and we have expanded our activities to CAVING and COOPERATE TEAM BUILDING..
..In Thailand today was so bad, because the protests in Bangkok are getting worse and worse, too many people have died or been injured! Radical people can do to crazy things and I am worried about what will happen with this country and I hope that I could still have a job! but the positives thing is that, I can take this time to create something new and good for the FAM and prepare myself for when everything it peaceful..
oh..man Radical peeps!!RStar&NStar were there when everything was peaceful
..The CMRCA community has begun, it took us a long time to figure out that we could make a very strong community, we had a lot of good old school friends, P' Dan, P' Marshall and P' Megan, P' Ben, JStar, P' Jeff, P' Josh.com, Luang Steave, Ted Conbeer and other ones all around the world...much thanks to those guys, but my eyes really want to see that the rock climbing community should have a lot of Thai climbers also, that is my wish, so right now we had some more people sign up for became our member v10 communities, P' Bastiaan, P' Alan and John, WELCOME you guys to the CMRCA community and let’s go climbing together!
to be continues..
..This is i want to say thank you so much to my girlfriend Jayn!! and give her for a big ProP.. that she was helping me a lot to edited such as nice article.. you are the BEST!
Welcome and get Big Prop..to our new communities!.. Climb on