December 15, 2010
I haven't written for a while as my life has been so busy with work and training. (Although I haven't climbed much in the last two weeks because my fingers are weak. I decided to listen to my body and rest before progressing to the next level of climbing).
Crags Clean up day 2010
Victor and i are good friend
Last weekend was Father's day in Thailand and lots of people returned home to spend time with their family. I had to work at the weekend but I still spent time thinking about my family and how much I care about them. I hope everyone had a very good time on the Father's day.
At CMRCA we have been working on different types of motivation and how they can help people achieve their goals . If I want to be the best rock climbing instructor, the most important thing that I could do, it is learn with the best. In the past two weeks CMRCA has has a guest instructor from America called Mr Mark Hammond. He's from Boulder Colorado Mountain School, or CMS, which is an organization for mountain guides in the US. All of CMRCA's instructors took classes with him and learned how to be a professional.
We learned so much with him. He taught us about risk management, EARNEST, how to places the gears or how to find the good placement. He also suggested that the guides contain a notebook to help maintain the companies professional image. It was such an awesome opportunity for CMRCA to have the chance to work with such developed instructors and help to make it the best in Thailand or in SE Asia. I am confident that we are progressing to that point. Mr Hammond taught us so many things and I had many questions to ask. Each time I asked him something he answered me in an simply way that was easy to understand. I'm glad that I attended the courses, because now I can share everything I have learnt with him with clients, the community and also with other instructors. Learning from such an experienced instructor just increases my own motivation to develop my skills and be the best instructor and climber I can be. Thank you CMRCA and Mark Hommond
Sankampeank Hot Spring
This weekend the climbing community from all over the world came together in Chiang Mai. At Crazy Horse every year we have the crag clean up day, where climbers , local people, The CMRCA gang, as well as travellers, all help each other to make the Crag a more sustainable environment. It is important that it is both a good place for beginners to learn, and for experts to practice and improve their climbing skills. The volunteers helped by collecting litter, clearing the pathways to different walls, as well as moving two big piles of gravel up to the Crazy Horse area. It was great to see such a diverse group of people coming together to help and everyone enjoyed the day together. I'd like to say BIG THANKS to you all again....CLIMB ON
I'm heading down to Bangkok soon for the Thailand Climbing Championship on 18-19 December 10. I'm so excited and looking forward to it. The more I learn difficult things the more motivated I feel to accomplish my goals. Thailand national team here I come...