March 13, 2011
It has been a while since i last wrote. I've been trying to find the core values of my life. I've been thinking about what's most important to me and what i can do to progress in my life. Rock climbing is one of the most important things for me and it's something that i love to do.
Life is hard. I have heard a lots from any people. But working at CMRCA has been one of the best experiences of my life. I've been so lucky to find a job that i love and not be stuck working in a job i didn't like. I love the people I work with and they feel like a family to me. Also I get to meet lots of rad people in the community and they are always so nice and feel psyched.
Traveling is something else that i value in my life. That I've been thinking about it for long time. Places I want to go to and what I want to see. My brother and I we had some mega plan coming up for the next year to jump on the climbing trip. And we also plan for the road in Thailand this year at a time when we can balance it with work commitments.
Updates Last week. My brother and i went to the crag together and we've got some SICK! photos shoot. Check it out here...Surachet (Add) Kongsingh. Big THANK! to Jens Glasgow for the OLYMPUS E400