- Links

Here are a couple links I strongly suggest you check out, especially cause if you wandered all the way to the links page you likely have too much time on your hands!

CMRCA has been my primary training since 2007. I've been proudly to working and climbing there, whenever i find my self back in the gym, you can expect to find  new ROCKSTAR at the wall, and you're likely to see me beating some sh*t at the Crazy Horse Buttress too. see ya at the cargs

We all use crags.. it's only reasonable to give back through clean up events or donations to organizations like the Access Fund. These people keep our favorite cliffs safe, clean and most importantly; open. I hope one day i can be  one of their part... CLIMB ON

Supplement contains Creatine Monohydrate , Branched-Chain Amino-Acid, Whey Protein Concentrate, L-Carnitine, Fish Collagen, Tomato Powder and Grape Seed Extract. I've found valuable insight here on how to keep my self fit.

Absolutely brilliant house music. EXTRAORDINARY.

Click it here.. and you will see an incredible things, he's one of my INSPIRATION.

Check it out new collection of handmade and unique design find your style... If you would like to get some such nice present to your lovely. Here you will find it

P'Dan is Josh brother. I've been following on his photography for a while, and he had a sh*t load of photos. It super fun when you see an incredible that i haven't seen.

I've been proudly of my self, that i going to achieve my goals...on BROADWAY 

The interactive Personal Coaching and Training System

VERY cool climbing Magazine